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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 197

CH# 196
CH# 198
So basically Kaminari purposely falls into Shiozaki's vines and uses his pointer thing to successfully deliver an electric shock to her. Rin tries to help but is stopped, but Shinsou uses his voice to call out to which Shiozaki responds, effectively getting brainwashed. Shishida sees this and tries to come to their aid. While Rin tries to get Shiozaki to get out of her trance, Shishida comes running but Tsuyu arrives to help fight. Shinsou uses his scarf to bind Shishida, but for some reason pipes come crashing down above them. They end up capturing Rin because he did not move out of the way when Tsuyu told him to before the pipes came crashing down because he thought it was Shinso trying to brainwash him, but Tsuyu was just trying to help him get out of the mess. Tsuyu tells Shinso that he really has a super powerful quirk, but Shinso says that it's a long way until he can become a real hero, but he wants to be a pro-hero no matter what it takes. Team A + Shinso wins. A new hero's voice is born. You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 197 in English. Read Chapter 197 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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CH# 198
Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 197

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